About Us


ROTOFAB MACHINERY PRIVATE LIMITED an ISO 9001:2015 Certified company is an Ahmedabad, INDIA based manufacturing company.

We are leading manufacturer of Rotomoulding machines and its turn key projects. We provide vast range of machines like Bi-axial Machine, Carousel type machine, Shuttle type machine, Open fire Rotomoulding machine, Close Oven Rotomoulding machine (Capsule type), and custom Rotomoulding machine as per your requirements. We are also manufacture Mini Rotomoulding machine for lab testing or Teaching Practical Purpose. With our highly skilled team and technical advisors (Experts), we are delivering the most efficient machineries to our customers by using an fourth generation designing and its analysis. In past three year we have gain our presence in Countries like South Africa, Ghana, Kenya, Burundi, UAE, Bahrain, and European countries.

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